Two Islands

Overwhelmed by the contents of the new quartile (trimester), I started to belittle & put myself down as usual. Mood swings hit me like a freight train. I grabbed my phone and packed my bags to head out of the library. I let go of my heart to race and my thoughts as directionless as a kite, squabbling all over the place.

The sounds of the air gushing through the trees on the lush lawns behind the campus building were the only way I was able to silence my tinnitus. While I was busy confessing my thoughts to a random tree trunk, I saw a fine young woman wiping her tears under another tree in the distance.

Even though I wanted to go & sit next to her to talk to comfort her, the introverted side of me wanted to leave her alone to have her own space in peace.

We were like two prisoners who were made to swallow the keys to their own prison which were adjacent to each other. So the only way out is to tear apart your chest filled with thoughts to spill all of it out.

A couple of minutes passed by while my thoughts were still wandering. A man from another race, passed by her on a cycle. After seeing her weeping, he cycled back, dropped his cycle & checked on her.

I saw him like a savior who sailed past the saddening depths of our ocean of thoughts to reach two secluded islands which were what we were.

I was able to see that she was starting to feel better. And don't you think that now was my time to throw my introverted self behind me to go & talk with them? 


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