First Cry

Sorrow builds characters

It breaks you down into a thousand pieces. It hits you so hard, that you never want to turn back again. And it also makes sure that it stabs you right in your heart every time you dare to turn back to reminisce on those memories.

But the beauty is, it builds you back from scratch with intricacy. It inculcates a powerful character in you, it gives you feelings, it opens you up and simply put, it makes you a human being. And that is when a meaningful life starts.

But the sad truth is, it can also turn someone into a feelingless rock. It locks them up and makes them swallow the keys to their own prison. It makes them numb and droughts their eyes to run out of tears.

(Exhale deeply....)

At the end of the day, just take everything in. Ruminate and savor it.

Sometimes all you need is your mom's lap to rest your head on until you sob all of it out. She won't judge you. She'll remain silent.

Just flush & vent it all out, she understands.

Find a soul that lends its shoulders to hold all your tears while hugging you tight.

Alas, I am jealous of you!


  1. You are a feelingless robot, life hits you. You then become a human!


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