Who is my SOS number?


Nights are so daunting.

Those quiet hours coupled with you and you alone with your room's door shut behind you,

having all the time on earth to unravel your forbidden thoughts.

Who should you call?

From the gazillion contacts on my phonebook,

do I have a soul to make random calls to rant about my psychic feelings?

Just to let you know, I and my mental health are not in good terms.

In a race to defeat an unknown opponent, I was deprived of all social skills.

Thanks! now I neither have a character nor a phone number to vent my robotic feelings.

Should I call the one who voluntarily called me back to check if I was ok,

when I shamelessly admitted that I am having suicidal thoughts on that WhatsApp group?

Or should I call the one whom I regularly call to vent, even though I know he isn't listening?

Should I call the one, to whom I stopped starting a conversation because of my ego,

waiting from them to start the convo the next time.

Is it even called a conversation if I call another feelingless robot friend just like me?

Should I call that one friend who I lost touch with? hoping we'll start again from the same page where we left off.

Or should I at least call the one with whom I’ve never shared anything personal?

Ah god!! give me a SOS number, who can share my mental backyard to rant and star gaze together.

Or just relieve me from this mental prison.


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