"You just want attention, you don't want my heart"

“Attention”. The amount of attention being transacted in a girl/young woman’s day to day life is highly inflated. She not only spends her time on completing her tasks, but she also has to spend a lot more on keeping track on the attention she is exposed to. To live as a young woman, sounds too much complicated to me. The number of eyes that look at you (of which most of em objectify u), the number of proposals that u get (which u guiltily don’t have the freedom to decline), the amount of efforts you’ll have to put to keep yourselves attractive at any given point of time. You simply don’t have the liberty to live as u like, and am sorry for not letting u to.

Apart from the efforts you’ll have to put to make your life successful, the amount of efforts you’ll have to put to get your relationships right, the brain space you spend to decide whether or not to reject this guy who has been stalking you for a while now, the pain you’ll have to overcome after a breakup, the time you spend on dates with all your possible leads, the mental torture that you’ll have to manage for being a woman in this society living amongst all the cat calls and eve teasing, are simply humungous for a guy’s brain like mine to process.

Being a totally isolated guy, who has never been in a relationship or what so ever, all these sounds like rocket science for a simple yes or no kinda guy like me. Stuffs like “boyfriend, date, girlfriend, ex, party, on waitlist”, all these sounds exactly like how Goa would sound to a Mylapore guy.

Guys feel special when girls share their personal thoughts with them, so is rejecting his proposal after making him feel special and stating that u saw him only as a friend correct? A girl and a guy can never be friends!! Or can they?

Or maybe its just how men are!!

But it’s on you too! Might be because of your thirst for attention. Not blaming all women, but yes some do take advantage by blurring the line of extent a guy would go for the sake of love.

Why is “Let’s talk to fix this” not a thing anymore?

Is “am seeing someone else” the new normal?

But yes, the majority of the defaulters fail to understand that in love “No means No”. No does not mean maybe I love you, no does not mean after sometime I might fall in love with you and no definitely does not mean “keep asking me repeatedly, I might accept after sometime”. First of all, let’s try to understand the quality of a person, try to respect the other person’s feelings, his/her feelings are something that one cannot afford to play with.

But again yes, women aren’t allowed to decline a proposal respectfully and be done with it. Most often they are to deal with creeps who keep clinging back and don’t understand that “No means No”.


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