Is social media taking our loved ones away from us?

Yes. Short messaging services like WhatsApp and other social media platforms have made conversing easier like never before. But all we have forgotten is the life each and every conversation had some 10 years ago.

Just think about where you're having most of your important conversations!! For the majority of us we tend to resort to social media or text or email to do that so often our phones have become the place where we make major decisions and it's a hugely bad move.

“Texting is a brilliant way to miss communicate how you feel and misinterpret what other people mean”

We do this because we all don't want to have difficult conversations in person right!! none of us want to walk into a difficult discussion, no. None of us want to walk into a tough situation, none of us want to have to talk about the things that annoy us, upset us, that feel awkward, uncomfortable or tough and so we turn to social media and this happens so often with everything. Why is it so comfortable here? Because you can kind of say what you want without having to deal with the repercussions right away or ever so we know that we all get more confident behind the screen than we do when we don't have it. Unfortunately in our relationships like our friends and our dearest ones, that leads to a lot of challenges and sometimes you can think, well I'm just asking a question, I'm just starting a conversation... and then you see something like... that just completely escalate... completely go in another direction and that happens so often where you just kind of get lost in social media and having this debate, discussion, disagreement by a text when all you wanted to do was ask one question. So, when you do it over text you end up saying things you don't mean. You choose shorter ways of saying the same thing and end up causing more issues in the long run.

We have lost many since the rise of text messages and we`ve simply blamed it on the other person`s EGO!!

I learn that when it came to a disagreement, debate or a decision, we have to do those face-to-face in person.


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